183 thoughts on “Tuesday Blather

  1. I am absolutely frozen this evening! Actually sitting down on the floor typing this right beside the radiator with a mug of coffee 😀
    I’m having trouble sleeping recently, just wondering anyone have any recommendations to help this? Preferably nothing to do with lavender as I hate the smell. I’ve also tried the usual counting sheep and hot milk but to no avail! 😉

  2. @Chloe, German law? Must be quite a change from Ireland. German law is based on what we call roman Germanic law I suppose whereas in Ireland it’s a common law system, right? Code versus jurisprudence/cases? Must be interesting though seeing the different systems. I did some introduction to law at uni, really loved it but not enough to take it as my master subject. I was more into public administration law, no way I would bother with things like family law and labour law, so I couldn’t see myself as an ‘avocat’. And apparently you cannot start your career by being a constitutional judge. Silly if you ask me 😉
    So I did public administration instead!

    • Yep, German law! In Ireland we did about 2 hours of German Law a week, as an intro, but that’s covered in about 2 weeks here! It is different, I do prefer the common law I think, because the cases are at least occasionally interesting 😉 Oooh I’m the opposite, I haven’t been able to choose my own modules yet, but next year I can’t wait to do family law! Then again, if I don’t like that, I have to start from scratch & figure out what else to do with life!

  3. Thanks for the suggestions ladies 🙂 think I will be checking out the UD, smashbox, Nars and Ingolt counters this weekend

    • I’ve heard good things about the MUA one, I think you can get that brand in Superdrug. Also, not sure if you can get this here or not, but the NYX primer is supposed to be a great & cheap dupe for the UDPP.

  4. @Chloe, I’m glad it’s not as bad as feared. Fingers crossed he will be alright.
    How are you today? How’s Jena? (it’s Jena, right? I have a doubt now but I think it was a Napoleon victory….)

    The telly is not helping my January blues. There’s a documentary on about visiting Ireland by train (somehow it looks like it’s sponsored by Irish rail, they keep going on about how comfortable, eco-friendly and on time the trains are. Strangely enough they didn’t talk about the Dart…) and all I can think of is “can we move the company there? pretty please…”

    I walked home from work. It’s 5,6km so it was a bit long because it was raining. I think I’ll keep that for when the evenings are brighter. Still it’s a good way to reach my distance target (I’m getting addicted to my pedometer…). So for the moment I’m meeting my health objectives. The fact that there is hardly any food in the flat helps as well I suppose.

    Good luck @Aine for the weigh in.

    Oh dear, they’ve moved to whiskey fabrication now… that’s torture that documentary, that’s all it is!

    • Thanks TheFrog 🙂 Will Skype in a while to find out more! I’m still settling back in, but it helps that I know I’ll be home by the end of February again. Jena is sweltering! (Please no-one curse me if I say I miss the rain..) I just had to Google it – It was a Napoleon victory, I clearly need a bit more study for my history exam..
      I know you’ve given yourself a time frame to stay in Lux, but would there be any possibility for you to move to Ireland to work? Even after that time frame?

      • I considered it at some point, there is a sort of possibility of ‘secondment’ as we call it, but it would mean getting an invitation from the equivalent in Ireland of my organisation to come and work for them.
        It was difficult before (you need to be very pally with the national representative and he/she needs to be pally with the head of the equivalent organisation in the country) but now it’s virtually impossible because it has a cost for my organisation (they would have to still pay my salary while I wouldn’t be working there anymore) so with the budgetary cuts it’s more or less out of the question (our paymasters are now asking every year how many people are seconded, whether it is justified, and what is the cost to the taxpayer. I’m not saying they shouldn’t ask, just that it makes it harder to get a secondment). And even then it would be for 4 years max and then I would have to come back to Lux.
        So… unless I decide to quit my job, forget about my status as a civil servant, renounce my pension and all my adquired rights and go and open a coffee shop somewhere in west Cork, it’s a bit unlikely. Mind you, who knows, I may have a mid-life crisis at 45 and leave everything 😉
        Frankly, I don’t have the guts to throw everything by the window and start anew. Especially as I like the field I’m working in, and I have been wanting to work in that field since I was a teenager. It’s just that I wished they had decided to put us in another country when they signed everything 60+ years ago…
        But I haven’t given up on getting a holiday home some time in the future. And my dad keeps talking about maybe moving there when they retire (he got the virus when they came to visit me when I was in Cork. Even if he has trouble understanding some Cork people…. 😉 )

        The Napoleon bit is because we do have a lot (and I mean a lot) of streets/bridges/metro stations in Paris named after Napoleonic victories. Frankly, if you tell me Jena, my first thought will be ‘one of the avenues from the Place de l’étoile’. But I sorta knew it was a German town too. The funny thing was when I moved to Belgium and realised that quite a lot of towns there were Napoleon victories. Towns whose names I learned but no teacher ever bothered to tell us where they were.

        OK, this reply is vying with War and Peace (to keep the Napoleon theme) for length, I’d better stop here. I hope your second part of the term will be fine and your exams will be ok.

        What are you studying again? I’m sorry I forgot…

      • I completely understand not wanting to give what you’ve worked for up – You work hard, so you should reap the benefits. The holiday home would be nice though!
        Haha, if it makes you feel better, it took me a month of living here to realise that the Weimar in the “Weimar Republic” is the one about 25KM from here. Never connected in my head!
        I do Law & German, so Law here. & hopefully my German is improving!

  5. Eviem you’re doing a fab job.it hasn’t crashed so that’s a pos.in the words of a techy you’re just troubleshooting the system now as it beds down.

  6. Orla & IceQueen, we had gas in the city, and while gas is cheaper I prefer the heat from oil. I don’t know what it is, there was nearly a weird heat smell when the heat was on and the radiators were scalding. Twas too hot I think. I don’t relish the thoughts of bedtime tonight, even with the heat on in the early evenings and the fire on at night, our bedroom has been arctic at night lately, thank god for my human hot water bottle of a husband.

    • I prefer oil aswell. We used to get our gas bills and be shocked at how much we were using. At least with oil you can pay upfront and you know how much you are spending. I hate being cold, I do be miserable and all I can think of is how cold I am. This probably isn’t helping….

  7. So relieved – It’s nowhere near as bad as we thought, not sure if my dad will get his sight back, but fingers crossed. Thank ye all so much for the good wishes! xx
    LunchWithLouboutins, I third UDPP! But have heard good things about Painterly too.
    MP, I know it’s not ideal, but at least you managed to sort it! You are definitely well able to cope, but hopefully there’ll be no more nasty shocks 🙂
    Evie, I prefer it now -on my phone, some comments ended up just one letter per line, was impossible to read!

    • Chloe I’m delighted things aren’t as bad as ye thought, I’ll keep you and your dad in my thoughts. How are you feeling now yourself? 1 line? Oh god, is it much better now? God I’m not cut out for this web design lark at all at all.

      • Thanks Evie, headache & tiredness have gone, just my neck now. If it’s no better on Thursday I’ll take myself to the doctor! I think it might just have been my phone, because it’s grand on my laptop!

  8. As fab as the OH is, what he’s making tonight is not WW friendly *sigh* this happens nearly every time he cooks. Good job I’ve been v good today and have some points to spare! Weigh ins are tomorrow. EEEEEEK!!

    • I had my weigh in last night. The place was packed with new people joining! I’d never seen as many people at it.

  9. mummypupper – well done to you sorting the whole house out.. your well able, your a strong determined lady:) I dont watch Emmers or Fair city! so cant fill u in on those!!!
    will u sort my health insurance while your at it!! I’m on hold the last 15mins!! grrr

    i didn’t mean to go missing for so long!! but work got mental and id 2 weddings an with xmas etc, the time just got sucked outta me and something had to give and having a social life whilst at work had to go for a lil bit!!!

  10. I’m worse this week Evie, cuz I’m trying to get back to clean eating!! **le sigh** i hope mammy has a nice dinner for me when i get in!!

    On hold to laya healthcare to try and sort my health insurance!!! i’d all day to be doing this!!!

    i’m defo a moaning myrtle today! ah ah

  11. Hey girlies

    Well,the alcohol man couldn’t fix the box so he brought in the box from the kitchen and rigged that in the sitting room which is okay till the new one arrives Saturday.No skyplus though,and all the stuff saved in sky planner will be lost so all my Emmerdales and Fair City’s that I haven’t gotten around to watching yet are gone…and the children had loads of stuff saved…..ah well,could be worse.I’m a bit proud of myself for negotiating the whole drama myself instead of ringing Pony and him dealing with it like I always would do…..you’re right Evie,maybe I’m stronger than I think I am!!

    Chloe,I hope your dad gets good news!!

    Happybubblegal….welcome back,I wondered where you were hiding!!

  12. @Co – check allrecipes.co.uk for ideas as well as getting a Slow Cooker book. That’s what I did. Sometimes I change things round a tad or add more spices etc but it hasn’t steered me wrong yet!

  13. Pigs must be flying somewhere cos for the first time in yonks I’m done at work before 5 🙂
    I’m looking for an eye primer of some sorts as I love my eye makeup but have lids that are so oily, eyeshadows just slide off after a couple of hours…. The SA at mac said the prolongwear paintpots are good as primers, esp painterly?? Any opinions/suggestions to end my slidey off eyeshadow?

  14. @Beth: Not especially although many of them are stew-like. I got a Slow Cooker cookery book that has a good few recipes in it. Some curries, Chilli, some rice dishes, roasts, soups…..

  15. Hello again.well i got the matress for the moses basket in smyths and little sheets.himself is down painting the wondowsill in the kitchen.i or should i say the bloody dettol lemon spray wrecked.it.theyre wooden so they needed doing anyway but i didn’t help matters.he’d to go to Woodies for the paint so i went to mamas and papas for mat tights cos ive alot of dresses that still fit just needed the tights.
    Himself came to smyths.he’s getting more into it now and a bit less superstitious.
    I’m gonna make dinner shortly.chicken and chorizo with peppers and onions And chickpeas in tomato and chicken stock.then std stew for tom night so we don’t have to cook and himself can eat it whilst I’m working late on thurs.
    Welcome to all the newbies.youse will.have to help with the fire esp with the oil being out.ive given it a good poke and put some sticks on it.
    Eviem i think the replies are better now.well they are on Android phone anyway.
    Talk to u all tom.

      • Yeah eviem.they dont dig in.now i dowear both and i only had one pair of black mat tights.i sometimes wear ordinary ones tucked under the bump but the always dig in and some days i just can’t bear the thoughts of it.the mat ones are really cosy bcos the come up v high.
        Ive had another good sort thru the wardrobe and culled anything that’s too tight.so I’ve 5 or six dresses and a few tops to go with my jeans.plenty really to get me through work.

  16. Evie, it defo looks a bit better now with the lines more aligned!!
    Thanks for the warm welcome back!!
    All is good with me, i ate my way thru Xmas, we ate out a lot to escape my family (the joys of living at home) Went to limerick for New years (it was very wet) and to see Wicked in Dublin (amazeballs) last Sat nite…
    So the Food baby i’m carrying would put any expecting lady to shame!!!

    All the talk of marshmallows is making me want a chocolate mikado!! I’ve never used to like em!! Choc Kimberlys would be my baby!! BUT this Crimbo i couldn’t get enough of the yummy choc fluffy things!!! Yip I’m a sugar addict BIG time!! why does it have to be so yum!!
    My treat for today was a sliced apple with peanut butter on… twas yummy, but now I want more more more..
    Can you tell I’m obsessed with food much?

    • Believe me HBG, you aren’t the only one. Food is pretty much my obsession. Not necessarily cooking it but definitely eating it!!

  17. My parents have gas heating and I would prefer it as Mam’s heating bill works out cheaper than mine even though their house is bigger and has 4 adults in it. But when we bought the house, the oil boiler had only just gone in new and is A-rated so I dont wanna spend 4 grand getting it changed and moved etc just now.

    • icey i think you said u had a slow cooker, am i right?? gonna get one on pay day i think, is 3.5 ltr sufficient for dinner for 3-4?

      • Hey Co, Yep I do have one alright. I have done dinner for 4 in mine before (2 of the 4 being men who eat a lot but gain no weight. Go figure) and there was plenty with some left over. I think as with everything, it just depends on what you cook.

  18. @kat, Evie’s spot on: be yourself. Do your research on the job obviously but don’t pretend to me someone you’re not, it would come back to haunt you. Best of luck.

    All this talk of toasted marshmallows…would love some, really. I’m being watchful if not good (we had another piece of galette with the coffee this morning, and I had 2 shortbreads after lunch), so to compensate I’ve been taking the stairs all day long and will walk an extra 2km home (should only take 15min more than bus+walk since I’ll save on the waiting for the bus time).

    @EvieM, it looks better, esp on the phone for me.
    No oil but whiskey? Sure we’ll manage with an extra layer and an extra serving of the water of life 😉

    And I’ve found the documents. Of course I had to go looking for them on the Internet. Looks like the hours spent as a student and then a trainee looking up legislation on official websites did have their use in the end…

    And finally: hello to the newbies. Come around, grab a chair, a blanket, a mug of tea/coffee/chocolate/whiskey, some biscuits and join the chat!

    • glad you found the documents froggie. It’s so frustrating when you’re missing something.. I’ve been chasing people all day looking for some info I should have been sent months ago!

  19. Fluck!!! The oil has just run out and they can’t get here with a delivery til tomorrow. Think I’ve just enough coal for tonight, put ye’re thermals on girls, tis about to get nippy in here. On the upside I’ve an ocean of whiskey for hot whiskies. Clients always give himself whiskey & brandy for Christmas, he tries to give it away as much as possible, but we’ve at least 3 bottles of each in the cupboard….tis a pity they wouldn’t give him Captain Morgan & Vodka, or Apple Sours, mmm I could get on board with Apple Sours.

    • Ours ran out a couple of weeks ago so we’ve been lighting the fire ever since. hoping I’ll get to payday without needing to top up. Oil is bloody expensive.

      • Our crowd have the option to pay a small amount every month by direct debit, the idea being you build up credit over the summer months. So it doesn’t matter if you’re skint, they know they’ll get their money out of you eventually.

      • Evie that’s a really good system! I like that. Luckily we’re on gas here and pay almost nowt for it. I only remembered the horrors of oil while I was home for christmas & my father almost had a conniption when I turned the immersion for a shower!! oooh the joys!

  20. Argh, some of our team have just come back from a fancy meeting with some clients… and they’ve got loads of lovely treats. I’ve restrained myself to just one macron, but the teeny tiny cheesecakes are eyeing me up, as are the brownies! Anyone want some?

    I’m counting down the (44) minutes until I get to leave for the day… feels like I’ve been here much longer thanks to my early start.

  21. Jaysus lads, I go work for the morning and ye go and blather up a storm. I’m back now to de christmas and de clutter the house….oh joy. I’m going to reduce the number of allowed replies to a comment as all these lines all over the place are fierce confusing….or is that just me?

  22. Girlies, i rarely commented on beaut.ie but my resolutions include involving myself a bit more in the blather. Typical that it’s ended,but thanks for hosting us evie, i must say it’s been weird not getting posts that made me laugh out loud in work. Bu

    way hope all of those back in work ate finding that the d are

  23. Afternoon everyone!!!!!!
    EvieM, hows the first day back at work??
    All the talk of hockey, TRX, kettlebells and crossfit has shamed me into pulling out the kettlebells later today. Used to go for lessons religiously last year but after awhile I thought ‘ah, I’ll just get myself a kettlebell and do it at home since it works out cheaper’…. What I forgot to buy as well was bucket loads of willpower and discipline :s

    • Good Luck, Kat!
      It’s normal to be anxious…..jus try and come across as confident .. fake it if you don’t have it!

    • I know its easier to say than to do but I always found that if you go into an interview and try to chat about a certain subject rather than just answer questions it can make a difference. Whether its about your hobbies or about a certain aspect of the job, it can show what type of person you are and if the interviewer is willing to chat back, you can see yourself what type you will be working for.

      I have jogging down as one of my hobbies on my CV and it turned out my current boss is big into it so once we got onto that, we were able to chat like old friends and I’m convinced it was for that reason he took me on!

    • Best of luck Kat. Top tip, em be yourself. No point trying to pretend you’re someone else, you couldn’t keep up the act full time in the new job. Let us know how it goes.

  24. Hello Ladies! I’m not back until next monday, but honestly am getting very fed up of being at home and not seeing everyone! Suffering from cabin fever I suppose!
    I’ve an essay to finish on a case study that I can’t seem to focus on 😦 I’m definitely needing to get more productive and start exercising again. I just feel so unfit after christmas!
    @Buttons I have terrible acne scars on my chin as well as acne :/ I had a cream from the doctor but ran out and forgot to get my prescription again and the acne is back with a vengeance! I hate it, won’t leave the house without something on!
    @Chloe good luck to your dad and I hope you’re feeling better soon!
    @Evie ooh I’d love toasted marshmallows, I feel like I’m having sugar withdrawal after all the chocolate!!
    Hi to everyone else 😀

    • Oh bowslover, the life of a college student.. lovely long holidays… I used spend most of mine in Galway enjoing the peace of my student house so I could avoid spending too long at home in Limerick.. 🙂

      Maybe try to get yourself out for a little walk, might help you concentrate on your essay?

  25. Right, forgive me a moment while I out a contract on the head of the two people who left, whose work I ended up with and who didn’t know the meaning of “permanent file” or “leave proper notes”.

    So where were we?

    @MP must have been a terrible fright. Years ago there were frequent power cuts at home, so now my dad and I both know where the torch is (and beware our wrath if you move it), where candles and matches are kept. If it happens again and the kids are scared, grab a torch (hence knowing where it is first. One per floor is handy), and explain to them that for a little while they will be living like children used to in years/centuries gone by. Make a game out of it, it’s the best thing to do. I understand it was probably harder with Pony away, but if you try an find a funny side to it, it may help.
    Hope you’re feeling ok now.

    @Sugarandspice, I would second deleting the number or doing as Có suggested. You’ll be fine with the time.

    A big hello to everybody else who arrived today. Off to get a cuppa and then back to work. Te wonderful adventures of Froggie and the missing documents, a saga in I don’t know yet how many episodes….

  26. Aaaah! Keep putting comments in the wrong places! In case its missed above, what is involved in TRX or Crossfit? I’m not in a gym as I prefer to go running (it’s free!!) but if its worth it, I’d be interested.

    • Icequeengf, google ‘trx’ and you’ll see what’s involved, it’s pretty hard to describe. I find it brilliant, you can adjust every move to your own ability and it’s the best thing I’ve done to tone up.

  27. Morning girls

    O sweet Jeebus…..what a night I had last night!!!I was talking to Pony on the phone when all of a sudden a massive bang of thunder…..the two come running over with white faces on them,then a big flash of lightening and poof……electricity gone….pitch black…..both kids bawling!!!Thank God my brother was here or I would have cried.He went out and put the dog to bed then came in and we tried to make a joke about things but the two were having none of it!!We want daddy….wailing and shivering!!!I,of course was bricking it myself but somehow managed to keep it together in true mammy style.So off with us all up to my mothers house so I could charge my phone and thankfully it was back when we came home two hrs later……the drama!!!It was one before we got to bed and they were wrecked getting up for school today.And of course,the skybox is broken and it will be Saturday before an engineer can come out…I’ve just spent the whole morning on the phone with sky, my brother and myself doing cirque de soleil acrobatics holding down buttons while unplugging cables and talking on the phone to skylady….all for nothing!!!I’ve alocal man coming out in a while so fingers crossed he may fix it…..imagine two children and a husband away and NO TELEVISION!!!!!Help meeeeeeeee

  28. Hey Ladies,
    Happy New Year to ye all… Fair play to you Evie being the new hostess with the mostest 🙂
    I’ve been AWOL for aaaages!!
    don’t you hate when you have to do work for the whole working day!! I know i do!
    And I’ve realised that work are trying to keep me from ye!! I can read the blather but not allowed to comment!! I’m trying to figure out a way around this!!
    No waaay i’ll get through Jan without you lovely ladies to cheer me up!!!
    I too went back to being good from yesterday!! Had a no sugar day and survived a spin class!! my under carriage didn’t know what was happening after the 6 week break!! lol
    Over sharing?? oops.. ye know what I mean tho.. lol

    So what have I missed?

  29. So I actually remembered to bring a cup into work this morning…I find it hard to make tea without one, as you do. Any woo I bought myself a little carton of milk this morning, popped it in the fridge & hiked it up to full blast as it didn’t seem very cold. Just made some tea and when I poured in the milk lumps of frozen milk were plopping into the mug…oops #epicfail better look next time eh?

    • oh no evie, nothing worse than frozen milk. a couple of years ago my mam went through a phase of buying loads of milk and then freezing it so ‘it was fresher when we wanted it’. It was makny 😦

  30. Hey all, the gig was great last night! It was my first time in Vicar St. too, such a nice venue. I will be going there again 🙂
    I also met another friend there by chance which was lovely. The bestie and I went for drinks with her and her new bf. Although he’s a lovely chap and I’m so chuffed for her, it made me feel a bit sad. I know, I feel like a terrible person. I suppose it just reminds me of how happy I was not long ago. In a way, it shows there is hope for the future though! I so wanted to text him last night but there is nothing to say and I know it was just cocktail and couple-watching induced sadness. Ugh.
    Anyway back home now, having some coffee and catching up on work things!

    • Totally normal to feel like that sugar&spice – I always would describe that feeling as wistful! As a good friend said to me before the whole thing is swings and roundabouts! No doubt before she felt the same way looking at you and your bf and now it’s gone the opposite way – everyone has their good and bad patches. I have no doubt that things will work out for you with time!

    • It’s not terrible, its normal! And don’t text him, you will feel like shit afterwards. Delete his munber from your phone.

      • Probably a good idea Shygirl. At least I have the comfort that we live a few counties away so I won’t bump into him or anything. Unfortunately I will see him at a work thing in March (we work in the same field) but you can always avoid people in those kinds of things I find.

    • hold out on the tetxs lovey, it will pass… BP gave me a good tip, if say on a monday u feel like txting him tell yourself if i still feel like this on thursday I will allow myself to txt him. I guarantee it will have passed by then and u will be happier that u didnt cave xx its so tough but u will get through it x

  31. Hey folks.. still a little shellshocked about the lack of beaut.ie 😦 Is Aisling starting up something new? But fair play to you Evie for sorting this! Total legend you are! Hope everyone’s Tuesday is going well!

  32. Lads yis are all as good.dont worry about me.heres my list of stretch mark fighting creams.biooil for straight after shower,several tubes of aveeno.i have 3 1/2 tubes.i always used it for allergy flairs on my skin and tonnes of people have bought me it.a shea butter massage bar from lush.finally some lovely mama mio body lotion my friend bought me.all in all more than enough to get me thru to the end of the pregnancy me thinks.
    I’m joining pregnancy yoga tonight.half to help my achy back and half to meet a few people in the area.its for 6 weeks and then we’ll c where we are.looking forward to getting out and about one evening a week for now.we’re off to blanch in a bit.himself wants fo pick up some paint and i may nose in m+ps and toys or us for baby stuff.also theyve a home store and more that i only love.

    • Would really recommend the pregnancy yoga boo. Found it helped a lot to loosen up any stiffness and also in prep for labour. I did have to try a few classes though before finding one i liked this time as my first teacher has emigrated 😦
      Hope you enjoy it!

  33. So much for productivity. Coffee finished at 10.30 then I went to check something with a colleague, took 30 minutes, and another 15 of chat, then passed by my old team to say happy new year, so that’s another 20 minutes.
    So it’s noon and I’ve done nothing. Lunch will have to be quick… 😦

    • Sometimes you need that kind of a morning froggie, just a chance to ease yourself in (I know you were in yesterday, but you know what I mean). It’s nice to catch up a little before ploughing back into work.

  34. Hey all,

    Jaysus you’s make me feel lazy with all the TRX-ing & kettle belling! Hoping Pilates start back soon so can get into that. Going to start the 30 day shred again too. Would like to lose some of the belly I’ve gained over the past year or so.

    Disappeared yesterday as work got a little busy but hope everyone ok 🙂

    Chloe – hope your dad’s appointment goes ok.

  35. Morning ladies! It’s all very motivational here today, heading to the gym tonight ( I do crossfit too Co!) cant wait to sleep like a log tonight.

    I need to get travel insurance, where’s the best? I’ll need to get one with flight cancellations and disruption (feck off artic weather)

  36. Morning all, I’m afraid to jinx it but this week hasn’t been as painful as I thought it was going to be! I know it’s only Tuesday but sure it’s a start!

    @Siun I’m going to start doing my cross trainer this week to start me off with the exercise as I’ve become an actual couch potato. I haven’t been sleeping great the past few days so hopefully it’ll help tire me out. I’d love to start doing TRX when I’ve lost more weight, I think kettlebells might kill me though 😉

  37. Morning ladies, went back to hockey last night, was good to get back in to the swing of things after christmas!! Dreading the gym tonight like really scared i wont be able for it, but ill give it my best shot!! #neednicelegsforasia
    Boo my friend swore by palmers for the stretch marks, she got only a tiny weeny few clear ones so she was happy out!

    • I found palmers much nicer, and cheaper too. Bio oil smells manky aswell. I had no stretch marks at all, tis after I’d had the fecker, which is just mean I think. They weren’t too bad though and I’d put that down to the Palmers.

      • I used Aveeno moisturiser and only got a few tiny ones right on the bikini line, lads I never thought you could get stretch marks there of all places! They’ve faded a good bit already, still putting on the Aveeno daily. I found the Bio oil a bit sticky, especially with the summer we had.

  38. Morning all, well done Buttons on the detox and fair play to CF for committing to the eight weeks! Crikey I can’t seem to last a day, sugar is definitely like a drug. @ Redglitters would you split a muffin with your mam? We do that sometimes, removes the guilt hehe!

  39. Morning gals,
    I finally went back to my TRX and Kettlebells class last night and even though it almost killed me, I slept like a log and feel fantastic today. Hope you all have a great day!

  40. Also… can I just throw it out there that I’m an idiot… I keep hitting the cancel reply button instead of the post comment button.. 🙂 That’s what I get for going to work at 7am I guess..

  41. Morning! Buttons, fair play on the detox. You’d have to lose a fair bit on that, plus no doubt you’re glowing!
    Orla I’d love a croissant but haven’t had any appetite in 2 days 😦
    ChanelFreak, I wasn’t back on yesterday, so happy birthday for yesterday!
    Oh I’m not well at all.. Fell asleep for 3 hours yesterday evening, which cured my headache, but my neck has swollen little sore bumps and I wake up tossing and turning, sweating awfully even though I feel cold. Bleurgh. Prob just a mixture of travel and worrying about my dad, his appointment is today.

    • *hugs* Chloe, sorry to hear you’re not feeling well 😦 hopefully your Dad’s appointment will go well today so you can stop worrying about him & focus on yourself. x

      • Orla, I hope so! Though either way, at least we’ll hopefully know and have some certainty.
        Evie, I have a list of english speaking doctors, but because work didn’t pay me last week, I have to wait til Thursday to afford it! Hope it’s cleared up by then, with all the sleep I’m getting.

        • Aw Chloe you poor thing, it’s so hard to be sick when you are away from home. Take care of yourself. My friend did erasmus in Germany two years ago and she is such a hypochondriac I’d say she had the local doctor driven mad. I felt sorry for both of them!
          I hope your dad gets on well today. Hugs.

    • Chloe what is your Dads appointment for? My Dad has a hospital appointment today too. Found a lesion on his lung just before Xmas so seeing a specialist today. Although I think this person only says whether a biopsy needed etc.

      • IQ, over Christmas, he lost most of the sight in one of his eyes, & found that a blood vessel burst in his head. So the app today is to find out what caused it & whether it can be treated. Oh I’ll say a prayer for your dad, hopefully it’s nothing too bad x

        • Oh Chloe I bet its hard being away when he’s going into hospital. I’m sure all will be okay. I’ll be thinking of you and the family. Wishing good thoughts!!

    • What exactly are TRX and CrossFit? I think I need to add something to my running but I’m not paying to join a gym if its not worth my while!

      • Hiya Icey! Crossfit is kinda like this – imagine you are in hell. That is Crossfit.
        All joking aside though, it is a mixture of weight-lifting, cardio and gymnastics and it is based on the AMRAP method (as many repitions as possible). I think it is fine if you already have a good level of fitness, because I think the potential for injury is quite high when you focus on repitition instead of form, if you get me.
        TRX is a resistance class, you use your own body weight as resistance and it is supposed to be amazing for toning up. I hope that helps a bit hon!

  42. Morning ladies,

    First day back at work for me too. In now eating my porridge and coffee and hoping for a productive day – I made a list of things to get done last night. One of my new years resolutions was to work harder!! I’m an awful procrastinator (Hence all the time spent on beaut/eviem’s blog!)

    hope everyone has a lovely day!

  43. Morning everyone, well feel I made a great achievment in dodging the junk food yesterday(first day since christmas, feckin boxes of biscuits)felt dead chuffed with myself, but I fear it wont last today as taking my mum shopping for a new washing machine later and get the shopping in for her so will have to stop for a cheeky cappuchino and muffin( my version of trying to be good, if it was up to the mammy she would feed you til you fall into a coma!) Off to the school now , talk to ye later 🙂

  44. Morning all!

    Back from the last physio session. Ie learned my lesson: next time my back hurts I’ll go to the doc. And I may try and treat myself to a back massage now and then too….

    Most people are back today, so we’re having a coffee in 10 minutes to welcome everybody back.

    Have a nice day!

  45. Morning all. Back to work today (where’s the puking smiley when you need it eh?). Bad start to the day, lying in bed having the chats with small boy when we hear the wheelie bin guys outside. Bins are of course full to the brim and still in the back yard. Cue wellies & jumpers on and running around in the rain getting them out the front before the bin guys leave. That wind wouldn’t be long waking you up let me tell you. Am just working a half day and then home to de-christmas the house while the small fella is still at creche. I’ll be popping in and out so blather away and any news blatherers, I’ll mod your first comment as and when I see them. Talk to yis later.

    • Morning lovelies!! I tried to comment again yesterday, but my internet here is so rubbish that it didnt allow me to 😦 So just in case this is my one and only comment today, I hope you all have lovely days and that the first day back isnt too horrific EvieM xx Buttons, well done on the detox lovie! I’m doing an 8 week health kick and it means no wheat, dairy or sugar. Day 1 was yesterday and so far so good, so I’m hoping that I can stick to it and lose a decent amount of weight. Boo, my friend got some Mama Mio lotion or oil for stretchmarks when she was pregnant and she hasn’t one! So maybe if you are having a baby shower, you could suggest it as a pressie? Shygirl, my fellow trashy tv lover, are you watching CBB? What do you think of it so far?

      • Thanks CF 🙂 Sugar is a really good one to give up. So many people think that fat is making them fat but ironically its not. Dieticians say that sugar is more addictive than many drugs and causes more health problems than any other food. Its very hard though cus it’s in so many food and drinks. Hats off to you lady!

      • I said happy birthday to you yesterday, but in care you didn’t see it happy birthday! I actually decided not to watch it this year My new years resolution was to watch less telly so I decided to give it a miss! I did some reading instead, another resolution is to read more. The two are kinda linked!

  46. Morning ladies.
    Is it Friday yet? zzzzz
    We popped in to the International Bar last night for their stew and ended up staying for the open mic session. There is some amount of talent out there, y’know?
    Will pop by later, xx

    • Hazel I saw the pic on IG last night of your stew… it looked so lovely and comforting (esp as I’d just come in from the rain!) glad you had a good night! 🙂

  47. Morning all, exhausted this morning, all the xmas good habits and resting out the window it seems. Tonight will be earlier to bed or at least that’s the plan!!

  48. Morning all.buttons you poor thing.ive very red blotchy angry pregnancy skin attthe minute and i won’t leave the house with it.its terrible.i don’t have any recs bar bio oil.every person i know has been telling me to slather it on to avoid stretch marks.i can see some of the little feckers already.
    Froggie off her champers.must have been a bad bottle.nurse fancy pants (nfp) I’ve started reading your blog and love your book choices.i stole a few ideas.i love my kindle but I’m constantly checking awards etc so i can plough through all.the drivel on them.sometimes i miss bookshops alot.
    I’m off today and my friend is post call so on her way over for brekkie.so I’ll chat to u all later.
    Oh except star bar so good to c u on the new blather site.pretty sure eviem will always have a cosy armchair with your name on it reserved.pop on when u feel up to it.

    • Morning Boo, just reading your comment re. Pregnancy skin. I am the same. My face goes through phases of being ok for a few weeks and then breaking out terribly across my nose and cheeks. I am trying to be more vigilant on cleansing and using gentle products.
      For the stretch marks I found Palmers cocoa butter stretch mark cream very good last time and escaped with no stretch marks. Am hoping it will work this time too but ive been eating so much I dont know if ill get away with it this time!

      • Hey Sooz.I’m the same it comes and goes.my friend used creme 11 for rodascea from yonka and swore by it so she’s picked me up some.i won’t get it off her until I’m bac home so I’ll let u know how i get on with it.

  49. Morning Buttons, and morning evie if you’re up and about this early! Buttons let us know how you get on when you measure later. Fair play to you for sticking to the detox, I honestly couldn’t do it as I’m to much of a grazer.

    I’m at my desk bright and early this morning 😦 but thankfully I’ll be leaving at 3… oh how I miss my lovely old boss who was flexible & didn’t mind me coming in early so I could leave early rather than having to fight over it.

    I’m having a sneaky croissant for my breakfast and… there’s one for everyone in the audience 😉

  50. Good morning ladies!

    Has the shock given way to acceptance yet? I automatically went to beaut.ie first this morning as I have done for years 😦

    Day 6 of the detox. Was hungry last night, but only cus I went back to hockey asnd was running around for an hour 🙂 Will be measuring myself later to see if I have lost anything else…it was 2 inches on day 2 so fingers crossed I’ve lost a bit more…feel like I have.
    Have booked ourselves into Ananda for dinner on Saturday as a treat for finishing it.

    Decided that I have to start treating the acne scars on my face, there not millions but enough that it bothers me. I won’t go outside without some form of face cover on. I have bio oil and have been using that, does anyone have any good tips?

    • Buttons I totally feel your pain. I have acne scars too although I didn’t even ever have acne! My scars are indented so from what I understand, there isnt much I can do about them. If you find anything that I could experiment with though, please let me know.

      • Hey Co! So happy to be back but I really amn’t quite right yet 😦 Could feel my hamstring tight every time I reached for a ball. Didn’t chance anything other than a slow jog either.
        Can’t believe how unfit and crap I was too! I was really afraid of the ball!
        Anyway hopefully over the next few weeks I will get my confidence back and start playing like I used to.
        Do you go back to training this week?

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