195 thoughts on “Wednesday Blather

  1. Oh my god I just checked in, great news altogether. Thanks for having us Evie! If anything good came out of Beaut’s temporary demise it’s that I’ve come across some other good blogs whilst trying to fill the void.

  2. Beaut is back.i have to say I’d got used to blathering here.I’m a Gemini.i adapt to change extremely quickly.it’s been great being here.thanks for having us eviem.you did a fab job hosting.maybe Aisling would give u a job now.i tried to log in but it wouldn’t open page.I’ll try again in a,while.

  3. So I left work early-ish (4.50). I got a reply from the guy responsible (accountable more like) for the mistake I’ve found. Let’s just say that as it is the second time in 4 months I’m pointing out to him similar mistakes his reply was a bit sharp…and not very helpful. But apparently it looks like I’m right. Small consolation, and it doesn’t look like I’ve made a friend.
    Re: the unhelpful lady, she would have been my team-leader if she had stayed on and I have to say I’m rather glad she left because for the couple of months I worked with her, she clearly thought I wouldn’t be any good, just because I was new in the job.

    Anyway, I’m home, I walked a bit (just 3km), played the clarinet (still no complains from the neighbours), put the christmas decorations back in their boxes, hung the clothes to dry and now I’m watching Strumpet City (I had to stop watching before xmas, didn’t have enough time). Productive evening.

    @Sugarandspice: as you pointed out yourself, you’re under stress so it’s unfortunately logical that your sleep is affected. I think pillow sprays are good (need to buy some, I’ve finished my lavender one), and not all of them have lavender as their dominant smell. Maybe try and find something that can help you relax, whether it’s walking, a mild sporting activity, or anything else (as I said before, the clarinet helps me empty my mind something wonderful). I’m afraid it’s a lot of hit and miss, trying to find what works for you. Check the temperature of your room too, if it’s too hot you won’t sleep well.

    • If he wants to get thick about it it’s his problem not yours. And there was no need for him to be so rude. It work, its not personal.

      • I think it’s because for years nobody saw anything wrong in their payments, and there I arrive, the new girl and I find two mistakes. But yeah, it’s not personal, I’m just doing my work, I’m paid for controlling others 😉

  4. Anyone got any good book recommendations? It’s another new years resolution to read more books as well as something that may help me sleep!
    Not into history or horror books but I’ll happily try anything else

    • Check Nurse Fancy Pants’ blog, she brilliant for books!

      (sorry my post below about your sleep doesn’t sound very kind and can appear a bit preachy. I’m really sorry you’re having trouble, I know how tiring and just annoying it is, and I do hope you’ll get that sorted soon)

  5. Buttons i ans u earlier but obv didn’t hit button properly.I’m doing pregnancy yoga off the navan road.i just googled Dublin and yoga and found the class.ive never done yoga so cant comment on the differences between them.they do tend to do pregnancy yoga separately.theres alot of relaxation in it.

  6. Right I have a pot of coffee made, and I’m about to watch the real housewives of orange county! Who wants to join me!

  7. Afternoon all, if anyone’s interested Debenhams Mahon Point have a few UD Naked Basics on sale half price, slightly damaged. Me eyes lit up when I saw the price so I asked how damaged is damaged? Turns out hardly damaged at all, it had been dropped and a tiny bit of the corner of the black shade is gone, perfect otherwise woo hoo!!

    • Lead me not into temptation Carky!! I might drop in after work

      Going to check out the pool first by work to start fulfilling NYResolutions!

  8. Thanks ladies, I had my eyes checked less than I year ago but maybe I need to get them done again. I’m finding I’ve got to take my glasses off to focus on my phone or book more and more lately. Ok I’ll phone the doc first thing in the morning to check if they’ve got anything for tomorrow so I don’t have to go to the walk in.

    Going for a walk after work with the boy as part of our new ‘being healthy’ thing.. we’ll see how long it lasts. Going to start getting up 1/2 to 3/4 of an hour early too so I can use my wii fit in the mornings & try to get fit 🙂 Maybe it’s just being back at work that’s messing me up 🙂

  9. You sound v run down Orla and stressed out. Maybe more stressed out than anything else. Not good to have that amount of headaches and eye strain/pain. What a disaster. Definitely get yourself to clinic or dr to make sure you’re ok, have you considered just going to get your eyes tested maybe to make sure there’s no strain or there’s not a lot of glare on your screen or anything?

    Just booked 2 days off for myself at the start of Feb, need something to aim for!

    • @Aine – I have a weekend in Wesport booked for March and I’m using that as my reason to lose weight. There is a sauna, steamroom and massage place in the hotel and I am not wearing a swimsuit/bikini in my current state!

  10. Oh lordy, I’m on a conference call and I’m not convinced that I’m going to make it to the end.. 😦 I’ve been feeling really strange for the past week or so. Not all the time, it comes and goes. I’ve noticed that I’ve had a lot more headaches that normal, my vision seems either blurry or as if I’ve got little spots floating around in front of my eyes, I’m extra tired (but I’ve put that down to being back at work), and just in a foul foul mood for no reason. I’ve a feeling I should be taking myself to the dr, but I don’t have the time to take off work so it means the walk in clinic after work and that takes forever.. maybe I’ll wait ’till fri when I’m in comfy clothes & can leave work slightly early..

    • Could be a lot of things by the way you describe it… Blood pressure (the headaches), need of new glasses (the vision), more general eyesight problems (the spots…), and maybe a general lack of vitamin/magnesium (the tiredness). Any way you could get a general check-up?

    • Eh maybe you should put your health before your work orla, you are no use to anyone if you are sick, im being serious here when i say that oul witch u work for doesnt give a shite so get your shit together and get to the doctor pronto.

  11. Head full of dread, is your skin completely dry or have you got oily parts? Mine is combination dehydrated. The dryish parts get more dehydrated during cold weather due to the wind and cold and the heating. Drinking more water should help if I could ever remember to do it. LRP Hydraphase is great for dehydration, you can get light and heavier versions of it, and they also have a masque which is gorgeous. I also use Clarins Blue Orchid oil a few times a week (review here: https://oneforthewishlist.wordpress.com/2013/07/17/review-clarins-blue-orchid-oil/ ), I spray some thermal water on my face, let it settle for a minute so my face is damp rather than wet, then rub a few drops between my hands and pat and press it into my face. It’s lovely, light and specifically for dehydration.

  12. I’ve m motivated boots on!

    I think I’m going to have to get over the hatred of not going out in the pouring rain, even a quick 10-15 mins and know I can just hop right into the hot shower afterwards is just going to have to be the motivator.

    Thanks for the tips on coldsores, going to swing by the chemist as I say to try get it sorted. I’m just baffled I have one at all, wonder if it’s from a different cup I used earlier on in the week maybe at work? Who knows. It’s annoying.

    But I will lose this stupid 2 stone I put on over 2013. 2013 was the chinese year of the new job, 2014 will be the chinese year of finding my waistline and fitting into my clothes. It will happen!

  13. @Áine, walking around the office is not the same but I’m surprised at how much I still manage to do this way. With walking from the bus stop to work I can do about 3 or 4 km during the day. So it’s not too bad.
    I second the ‘wrong clothes’ thing. I can walk in every weather, I just make sure I have the right clothes on. Although I draw the line at thunderstorm or pouring rain, but I never encountered these on the way from work (fingers crossed). I even walk in the snow. The point is that if I start using the weather as an excuse, I’ll never walk because I don’t live in a magical warm and dry land. It’s a habit afterwards. Good luck with all your endeavours, you seem quite motivated!

  14. hola everyone, been super busy this morning at work and yesterday as well. It’s getting in the way of my catching up with you all. Boooo to that.

    So just had the operation transformation weigh in and tonight now I have my WW weigh in. Ugh….although I’m going to say it’s double motivation. Someone said something v interesting to me earlier on when she was telling me she’s going on a shoot on saturday (I said hope the weather is ok) and she said it’s not the bad weather it’s bad clothing. And you know it puts a different spin on things. Going to try getting out now for a short walk even if it’s teeming rain outside, every bit helps. Walking all round the office isn’t quite the same thing but probably better than nothing.

    Also think I’ve my first cold sore this morning 😦 not a happy camper about it, it’s like a tiny mount ulcer on the outside of my lip but the thing is I have an actual ulcer just behind it anyway so it could I suppose be an ulcer. I’ve never ever had one before and no clue how or where I’d pick one up from. I’ve been upping the vitamin c and zinc over the last week so I don’t feel particularly run down. Any help or tips other than a paper bag are more than welcome!

    Phew – must go back and see how everyone else is!

    • @Aine, try and get to a chemist quick and get Lysine tablets, they really help with coldsores, (pain and swelling wise) I actually think they are good for ulcers also but have only needed them for coldsores!
      Good luck

    • Hey Aine, you poor thing I got them for years, but thankfully it’s been a long time since I had one so hopefully have grown out of it (is that even possible?)
      The unfortunate thing is that they are like spots, once you have one, there’s very little you can do except look after it. Keep it moisturised with a medicated lip balm like Carmex. Resist the urge to touch it or pick it, you don’t want it to spread or get a scar!

      Hope that helps…I was a cold sore pro haha

  15. Helloooo from a freezing office, this day really seems to be dragging, I’m on reduced hours in January and even still, I can’t make the day go faster. So I’m popping in to the blather on me lunch break to see if anyone has a good moisturiser to use after the hydraulon (spelled wrong I imagine)
    I have La Roche Posay intense riche moisturiser (can’t remember the exact name) but my skin still feels tight after I put it on.
    On another note, Shygirl, I LOVE cleaning…I’m actually planning on mopping and hovering everything in sight on Saturday as the place is a shambles after the long break of being gluttons and basically not doing anything…oh as I write this I realise I am a big saddo, getting excited about mopping hahahah.

    • Hydraphase or Nutritic? Hydraphase is for dehydration, Nutritic is for dry skin. Are you dry or dehydrated so you think? Would you chance adding an oil to your skincare regime?

      • Thanks Evie,
        I have the remnants of trilogy oil that I add at night, but to be honest I don’t really like the feel of it, so will look into something else when I’ve finished the bottle. I have no idea if it’s dehydration or just really dry, but it’s only recently that it’s been acting up, ah it must be the mad weather or something, one minute really mild, the next mad stormy. The moisturisers were a Christmas pressie, normally I just grab some Boots Vitamin E cream 😉 Tis far from LRP I was raised 😉

    • I normally don’t mind it, but I just didn’t feel like it today. But I have it done now! I like the house to be tidy and clean, it stresses me out when its not. I like order!

    • You’re not a big saddo, I love the good feeling after a huge clean! I’m going to do a jan clean on Sat morning and clear out my room & the clothes I no longer wear as well as hoovering the whole house and scrubbing the floors & windows.. 🙂

  16. LauraLou, I checked those Mac palettes out online. The cool neutral one is lovely and I don’t have a single shade. Also don’t have $100 lying around though =(

  17. Beth can I stick my name in the pot for tea aswell? I come bearing lunch, it’s not one bit healthy mind, but it is yum. Rashers, sausages, black/white pudding & american style pancakes with maple syrup.

  18. Will it ever be lunch!! I’m chilly and hungry and this hot water and lemon aint cutting it!!!

    I enjoyed OT last night, looks like they’re picking a good spectrum of people to this year so everyone will relate to someone.. The 2 new doc’s I’m still on the sidelines about.. we’ll have to wait and see how things go i guess… looking forward to seeing the next 3 leaders tonight, there’s a 2nd Cork girl i think…
    I found last night’s episode very emotional, i was bawling when the lady was talking about loosing her hubby!!
    Did ye see Deirdre (last years leader) at the start of the show? she’s down 4 stone, she dyed her hair and got extenstions and looks like a new person.. waaay younger too… very impressive

    • Oh Deirdre looks unreal! She’s a personal trainer now too, she def changed her life.. I always think it’d be interesting to see the leaders from older seasons, to see if they’ve kept it up etc

      • I agree Chloe, it kinda spurred me on to see her looking this fab 12 months on, shes totally transformed.. Just shows it can be done
        I hope they do a follow up on all of last years crowd in the next few weeks

      • Tea for Frog and Co, it is. Should taste nicer than lard soup.

        Afternoon me eye, just cos you’re so cool with your gluten free grub doesn’t mean you can slag me lazy streak 🙂

    • Me me!!! I need a lot of tea today…

      So your one wrote back offering no help whatsoever on my problem. I asked her “did you encounter situation X with a variation on the rules applicable” and her reply was “the rules applicable are …(insert references of the documents I found yesterday). Must be a language problem. Sigh. The fact that she made me feel like a fool who shouldn’t have been recruited because I had no passed experience of the job when I first came here probably doesn’t help me appreciate her…

      Anyway, I went to buy chocolates today for friends and my dad. I bought 2 sugar-coated chestnut for me and the boss of the shop gave them for free! Because I’m a good client. 🙂 these things are very expensive (2,5€ piece) so it was a treat for me and I really appreciated his gesture.

      Back to work (after having a sandwich for lunch because it was Hungarian day at the canteen and rather than make a goulash, the soup was beans and lard… Berk) for a long afternoon!

      Gosh, I do moan a lot today!

      • Not very helpful of her at all, it’s nice to be nice after all!
        Sometimes you just have to have one of those moany days, it’s good to vent 🙂

  19. I’m with you buttons, can’t believe the time.. ugh! Thanks for the white noise recommendation, will give it a go! Had another crappy night’s sleep last night so I will try anything. I was a great sleeper but the last two weeks i have been uneasy; a big work project coming up, the break up and my granny being ill have all happened at the same time so I think my mind is just preoccupied.

    Có- I don’t know the whole story but that seems a bit shite of him. What’s wrong with these people? Human decency seems to be gone to feck! You seem like a lovely person so as you said HIS LOSS.

    • hey sugarandspice, i thought about it and maybe he was flustered to see me for the first time too, i cant expect him to necessarily to have an ok reaction i suppose! It was a very mutual break up after a long time, but i can honestly say i feel the better of it, it has taken time but i am very happy now and am loving to just have myself to worry about!! Plus im planning a big holiday to asia later in the year with my mate so that is keeping the mind busy 🙂 So basically what im sayin is if you are feeling shitty about your boy then allow yourself to have those bad days and then pick yourself right back up the next day. Cry when you need to cry and only drink alcohol if your in a good mood 🙂

      • You are probably right there. Yeah I have had one or two bad days, usually I have a bad hour or two in the day and pick up after that. I would naturally be a positive person anyway so being down for too long annoys me 😉
        I’m sad we cannot be friends but I think it would just be harder for me and he wants space so he can have it.
        I do have a lot of ‘what if..’ thoughts and daydreams but they will fade with time I’m sure. My poor dad feels awful sorry for me but doesn’t know how to communicate really.. I was cooking dinner last night and he just spontaneously bursts out ‘I was thinking about *the boy* isn’t he a little fecker, it’s a terrible thing to do to someone’ which of course led onto ‘In my day…’ You have to laugh.

    • sugarandspice, if you can get it I find ‘this works’ deep sleep pillow spray great. If your sleep is broken maybe it won’t work, but it knocks me out like a light every night since I started using it before christmas

      • …and it’s done v little for me (sorry Orla!). I find a bath is a great way of winding down before bed and I generally sleep all the way through.

        There is a free app i got on the iTunes store called Sleep easily, it’s a 26 minute or so “meditation” that generally knocks me right out. I find though I have problems staying asleep…..

      • Oh don’t worry áine, I meant to say that it didn’t work for you in the comments but got distracted as I’m on a call I should be paying attention to! 🙂

  20. @MP – Don’t think I told anyone at the time coz I only found out myself the day we closed for Xmas break and I wasn’t on the blather over Xmas.

    Since just after his “heart attack” he’s been saying he can feel something on his chest. We all thought it was psycho-somatic due to the heart but it turns out it wasn’t.
    Doc found a lesion on his lung. Don’t know what it is yet – could be benign, could be bad, could be anything. Having a biopsy next week to find out. I am feeling positive though because he is the fittest and healthiest man I know in general and also has never smoked a day in his life. And if the doc isn’t overly worried about it, that can only be good.

    @ Chloe – delighted to hear that is good news with your Dad. You must be so relieved. Still thinking positive thoughts that all will be 100% okay for him.

    • God that must of given ye an awful fright. If the doctor’s are happy with him that’s what ye should focus on.

    • That all sounds good Icey……the doc wouldn’t be long letting ye know if they were worried about him,he would be in for the biopsy straight away….they did my mums that day!!!But,I know it’s very stressful for you all…..try not worry,if he’s fit and healthy that’s a great thing.

    • I know how you feel at the moment with worry icequeen, My Mum is waiting for a heart operation, she is on the critical list, We are due in st. James next week to meet the team who will look after her, so id say she will be called soon after that for the op. she will have a long recovery after it, she has to have a heart valve replaced.I will be looking after her when she comes out of hospital(I am worried sick to be honest as the doctor said there is a risk of dying or stroke during the op, I know they just give you worst case but it does make you worry)She was having weird feelings of being weak and sometimes palpatations then one day she thought she was having a stroke but it wasnt so they investigated and found she had a very badly damaged heart valve(I would also say my mum is very healthy, doesnt drink or smoke so we are in shock at this too) and my brother who is only 35 has been diagnosed with a lesion on his lung a couple of months ago, they thought first it may be tb, or maybe from inhaling mould spores in the house he lived in as there was damp issues or possible lung cancer( he is non smoker) he was coughing up blood and his heart is now under a little bit of pressure because is lung isnt working to full capacity, he gets a lot of swelling in his limbs but the hospital are just monitoring him over a few months to see if it grows or shrinks. I think he said its at 0.9 in size at the moment. suppose they know what they are doing, still I am very worried for him. Please god your dad will be ok, ( I think it is very rare to have lung cancer as a non smoker) Its hard not to worry though I know.

  21. It’s not even fecking 12 yet. Seriously WTF? And I’ve been busya nd working today so it really should be flying.

  22. Hey Shygirl
    I only saw the last few minutes of OT……it seemed to be the usual mix of wailing(leaders) and wild eyed shouting(Kathryn Thomas)Dr Eva is gone……there’s a couple of new “dr’s” who seem nice.As far as I know the ridiculous army training thing is gone too……I really don’t know how they survived without someone keeling over during it.It reinforced for me that people weigh really differently,one leader that I saw weighed in way lighter than I thought that she would while the other man I saw weighted in much heavier than I thought that he looked……this fact gives me idiotic hope that I may not look my weight…..please don’t spoil this illusion for me:-)

    Lauralou…..you put me to shame….I’ve just finished a bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes!!!

    Aine,are you there……how did the weigh in go?I’m starting back at unislim when Pony comes home….the local meeting is on a Friday…..what a day to start!!1

    • Mine is on a monday. It’s better for me that way as I won’t pig out over the weekend! One of my friends attended one of Dr Ava’s clinics and found it great.

  23. Hello! Actually slept through last night, & neck wasn’t as bad this morning, so feeling better 🙂
    @Boo the doctor in college at home is free, so I always knew i had that option but I never like going unless I’m dying.. Eve though I have a medical card too so they just claim it back off that!
    @Buttons I’m the same, my dad’s such a happy-go-lucky person that seeing him worried about anything throws me a bit. He’s only 42 so if it is just high blood pressure ( He said on Skype last night that there’s still some doubt), he needs to take care of himself!
    @IceQueen glad it doesn’t sound like anything too serious, hopefully the biopsy shows up clear & he can get back to being fit & healthy!
    @Co how was the class? Aghh maybe he didn’t expect you to be so happy & to be out doing something new, was def a good way to be though & at least you know you were nice to him! (Or would’ve been if you got the chance!)
    @Frog haha I’m going to do EU next semester so I will look forward to that case!
    @Laura agh that MAC palette sounds amazing! That’s like a fiver each… I want one! Enjoy NY! 🙂

    • Holy Jeebus…..just when you think you’ve reached rock bottom on the whole I’m old and fat business….you find out that Chloe’s dad is the same age as you…..waaaaaiiiiilllllllll!!!!!Actually……whisper…..he’s a year younger……or maybe two years….O God…….

      • Haha Mummypupper there’s a reason there’s a big age gap between me & my sisters.. My parents were young! I never thought about it til one of the women I work with who is my best friend in there pointed out she could be my mother.. I feel too young!!

    • Chloe,I meant to say yesterday but I forgot……a couple of years ago I lost the sight in my left eye gradually over one day.They did all sorts of tests and the only thing they could come up with was migraine.I still has a distortion in that eye,a kind of zigzag that flashes sometimes bt apart from that,the vision is perfect…..so don’t worry about your dad,it will turn out to be something like that,or high blood pressure,which is very treatable….it’s really only when people don’t know they have it that it becomes an issue

      • Ah thank you mp.. Think it’s the blood pressure, seeing as my whole family tune into Op Transformation every year he better start minding himself! He’s very good in summer when we have rowing, but I started fretting that he’d have to leave work & everything because he works in a builders yard, drives forklifts etc! Like everyone has said, if it was too bad, we’d know about it 🙂

  24. Morning everyone!Thanks for the cleanse off mitt review Evie M! I heard Operation Transformation started last night. Was it any good?

      • Haha I meant to reply to this in my essay below actually! It was decent enough.. There were 3 of the leaders last night, two mothers & a man who’s the oldest leader ever. Karl Henry & Eddie Murphy are still on the panel. but there’s a new dietician, and a GP. Hopefully it’ll be good!
        Would like to point out it wasn’t full on sobbing, I swear 😉

    • it was good ye, two women and one man last night. One of the women drinks quiet a bit which i think was good to highlight cause i think a lot of people drink a lot more at home than they should be but because its a home it doesn’t really seem like an issue. The other lady smoked so they want her off the fags pronto which again is another big issue! I am looking forward to seeing how they get on. I like the way it gets communities involved and gets people moving off their arses in this shitty month!

    • haha i wish!! The strength part is all weights, dead lifts, squats with bar, bench press, then the condtioning is burpees, mountain climbers, sprints etc!

      Heading to the big apple in 2 wks, surprised you havent seen it on twitter, Im sure im wrecking everyones head about it! 😀

      • WOW…. I’m well jel now!! I dunno how I missed it.. but i know now and just in time too 🙂 your gonna have a ball..

        Class sounds good, covers every part of the body 9god forbid a part of you doesnt ache afterwards) amazing how all the classes have such different names, I’ve done a similar class i think but its called Tone Zone in my gym!

  25. Morning ladies, good lord I am tired today, our Strength and conditioning class was so hard last night, doesnt help I’m the newbie and the least fit!! Just finished my breakkie of a protein smoothie. Nom.

    How did you find it last night Co? Dont worry about seeing the ex, theyre not worth it and not worth getting in a tizzy over, prob better you didnt get to speak either, that would make things more awkward.

    Why is work dragging, doesnt it realise I am going away in 16 days.. SAKE WORK!!

    Heading to penneys to get my last few bits for going away, anyone see any nice stuff in there?

    ALSO, MAC doing premade eyeshadow palettes for $100, gonna see what theyre like and maybe pick one up when i’m away.. (I’m Laura and im a mac junkie, nice to meet you.)

    • Ooh Laura, you’re off to New York, you lucky duck! Do you need any foodie tips? The lovely Roseanne (Like Mam Used to Bake blog) sent me a brilliant list before I went, if you want it, I’ll forward it on!

      Also on the NYC Mac thing, the best one I was in was in SoHo, they had an amazing staff who were brilliant for suggesting products/shades I’d never have thought of. Well worth a trip.

      • for 15 full sized mac eyeshadows in the palette, I think it’s a steal?! (what’s wrong with me) that’s about €70, theyre €12.50 here… (justifying anything…)

      • Eyeshadow x15 Cool/Warm ($100.00 U.S. / $120.00 CDN) (New, Permanent)

        Hey (Repromote)
        Warm Breeze
        Dark Brew
        Dance in the Dark (Repromote)
        Brule (Permanent)
        Vanilla Extract
        Honey Lust (Permanent)
        Amber Lights (Permanent)
        Saddle (Permanent)
        Lemon Tart
        Creative Copper (Repromote)
        Divine Decadence (Repromote)

        Eyeshadow x15 Cool/Neutral ($100.00 U.S. / $120.00 CDN) (New, Permanent)

        Sweet Allure
        Sun Tweaked
        Blackberry (Permanent)
        After Dusk
        Pick Me Up
        Crushed Clove
        Cozy Grey
        Brun (Permanent)
        Silver Fog
        French Clay
        Cumulus (Repromote)
        Pearled Earth
        Black Tied (Permanent)

  26. Morning girls

    Icey,I must have missed about your dad,what happened…..really hope he is okay,things sound positive though!!

    Hbg…..I really hate when pants turn into leggings!!

    Co….the first meeting is over….and I agree with Icey,you were out and about,doing something positive….I mean it could have been in a Spar shop with a breakfast roll across your face!!Now,feck him……and move onwards and upwards….you’re playing a blinder!!

    Evie,I always give the oilman a tenner to bleed the boiler for me…..it makes me feel like Alexis Carrington Colby Dexter…..if anyone is elderly enough to understand that!!!

    Is this the longest week ever???

    • Feck him and his tenner MP, I’m skint and need that tenner for coal, which of course….sods law, also ran out last night. I’m old enough to remember the Carrington Colby part, I must have stopped watching before Dexter.

  27. Woo Hoo Evie 🙂

    siuners – I really enjoyed Saving Mr Banks too, twas a lovely story! had to bribe the boy to come with me as the girls refused 😦 their loss!!

    Orla – has there been any more issues with milk bottle ins the toilets? or has that been sorted?

    • I think it’s been sorted, there’s been nothing in a good while now. I don’t see the girl we suspect of doing it much these days though so maybe she’s not here enough to have to use the loo?! 🙂

  28. Morning all,
    Good on you Có with the crossfit, and the meeting the ex, I hadn’t realized ye had finished. That’s never easy, no matter the circumstances.

    I’m wearing Mac’s Girl About Town today for work (hot pink for those who don’t know it), and it has made my Wednesday way more bearable already. Mad how makeup can change your mood.

    I saw Saving Mr Banks last night, had heard bad reviews but I really enjoyed it, and had a good old cry at the end!

    Have a great day y’all x

    • Do you want to come and sort out the heat in the office here? We have bloody storage heaters and no one understands that they work by taking IN heat during the night and outputting during the day. People expect them to be like radiators and turn them off when closing up so the place is BALTIC!

      • Tae & chocolate at the ready, and I did turn up the temp by a few degrees while I had the boiler door open. Ssshhhh don’t tell Pa he’d kill me.

  29. Fingers crossed Icey, and good on the heart attack being only ‘mild’ (that’s still a bit scary I suppose).

    Evie, laughing at the description. You should have put red lippie on I think before doing that! 😉

    Có, must have been annoying, but I’m laughing at him barely being civil. So very mature, eh?

    Orla, how are you? Is herself on her way to Timbuktu in her trunk?

    Amarie, agree with Evie. You probably made his day. That’s your good action of the day done! 😉

    Boss arrived. I told him about what I’ve found and he asked me to ask the woman who left and who did that work for the previous years. But she’s not answering the phone and since she’s now working in the place where I found the problem I’m not sure she’ll be a great help.

    Bestie suggested a show in lux at the end of the month (how sweet is he, looking after my cultural life while 450km away….), so I’m bringing chanelfreak and a colleague. Waiting for the bloody email with the tickets to arrive now!

    • Hiya froggie, herself is not yet on the way to Timbuktu unfortunately 😦 I might send her to you for a visit!! 🙂 Hopefully the woman will pick up the phone & help you, will you be able to get it resolved without her help?

      ooh something to look forward to for the end of the month 🙂

  30. Morning Ladies,
    Happy Hump Day.. I had to abandon my black pants for work this morning and pull out a dress & tights! The pants (once a bit loose) is like leggings on me this week and not comfy at all!!! So I’m giving it the rest of the week off!! I feel bad enough for being a glutton without my pants giving me a constant wedgie!!

    Oh after 20mins on hold i got thru to Laya, the girl was lovely and helpful.. swapped plans for me and saved me 86yoyos.. result I think

    Evie are you sorted?
    TheFrog – you got some bargains, woo hoo
    Có – Fair play for texting him to give him a heads up! least the first “meet” is outta the way! its always awkward!!

  31. Ta Evie, I’ve only moved to Limerick in the last few months so still making my way around 🙂 Co, did ye stop and chat or just hello?

      • At least when he saw you, he saw you out and about and getting fit and doing stuff for yourself. If I was to meet an ex, that’s exactly when I would want to do it.

      • so true, it would of been far worse if i was in a heap (which i ususally am when drinking). I was having fun too so he saw me being happy not miserable 🙂

  32. Morning blatherinas
    Here ye all are 🙂
    In bed with the LURGY yuck.
    Been minding my besties childerbeasts for last 2 days aged 1 & 3. Cream crackered. Amazingly funny and amazingly hard work.
    Glad to get back to my own quiet house but they have given me a dose. Praying doesn’t turn into chest infection.

  33. Morning ladies!

    Well my Dad was at the specialist yesterday and Mam said that the doc didn’t seem unduly worried about him at all. Wasn’t able to tell us anything as just took bloods etc but he’s booked in for more tests which will prob include a biopsy on Thursday week. So fingers crossed.

    One good thing is that he apparently almost collapsed when he heard Dad had a heart attack a few months ago. Couldn’t believe someone as fit and healthy as my Dad could possibly have one. He also said that it was so mild that he has trouble using the word “attack”. Thats 3 docs who have said that now (him, our GP and the heart doc). He prefers to use the words “mild scare”. Think that did Dad the world of good to hear it coz he was in great form yesterday evening.

  34. Bugger it the tank is airlocked. Picture it, me hair all over the place. Rubber gloves, wellies & himselfs fleece jacket, crouched on the ground in the back yard, attempting to bleed the boiler. Oh the GLAMOUR!!

  35. Tried to comment from the leaba this morning but my phone wouldn’t let me log in 😦 anyways I’m here now and I come bearing tea, coffee, hot water (for those of you who’re on the herbal or fruity teas) and lots of porridge! (Nom! It’s the special K one and it’s lovely!)

    Froggie go you with you sales bargins! 🙂 I didn’t buy anything in the sales this year either as I’m determined to lose weight & fit back into my current clothes rather than buying new ones!

    Có, how are you feeling now after bumping into him.. the first time is always strange.. but at least you were meeting him after doing a tough class and getting on well rather than as hazy said in a heap during a night out. Hope you’re ok.

    Right, now I’m off to make another cup of tea before I go into a 3 hour long ‘2014 planning’ meeting that’s going to waste all of our time today! 🙂

  36. Lads, this is the longest week ever!
    January always seems to drag, doesn’t it?
    Ah well…
    Have a lovely day, ladies, I’ll pop back in later if I get the chance, xx

  37. Morning Ladies..this is quite possibly the longest week ever but on the plus side arsebaddelled is definitely my new favourite word! heading to cork at the weekend for some going away drinks for a friend of the boyfriends.. Is the shopping better or worse than limerick?

  38. Morning All, Happy hump day!
    Fell asleep on the bus this morning and woke up with my head on the shoulder of the man beside me! Mortified!!!

  39. Good morning ladies, so i went to the crossfit place last night, i didn’t puke on myself or anyone else so that in itself was a victory!! I really enjoyed it, sore today now but hopefully hockey will run the soreness out of me!!
    Oh ill have a nespresso too!!
    Oh btw the boy was there last night, he was in the class after mine, i nearly lost my life, it was the first time i had seen him since we broke up, think that made me even more determined to not fail in the class!!

    • Are you as my bestie would say “arsebaddelled”?

      Yikes on the boy, no one wants to meet their ex unexpectedly unless they’re dolled up to the nines and looking fabbie. I’m guessing straight after a Crossfit class wasn’t the best you’ve ever looked? Though at least you’d have a bit of colour in your cheeks.

    • Co, I saw the word “puke” and feared the worst!
      Glad you enjoyed the class.
      And great way to meet your ex, all fired up at an exercise class rather than drunk and messy in a club or something 😀

      • I had actually txt him to warn him i would be there and that i didn’t want it to be awkward, he kinda grunted a hello at me the arsehole!! ah f him, i am over it now and if he cant even bare to have a conversation with me then its all his loss!!!

  40. Cheers Froggie. We’re grand on logs, tis coal we need, who fancies going out for some. Betsey has her NCT tonight. Who knew you could do your NCT at 8.30pm?? Not me that’s for sure. Himself took her to work this morning and will take her to the test tonight. Wish her luck.

    • Good luck Betsy! I’ve mine on the 27th January…it’s always so nerve wracking watching them go through the checks. I hope my Dad will take it for me :/

  41. It’s hot water and a breakfast shake for me this morning.

    Will I make some hot water bottles while the kettles on? I have those nice ones with a teddy bear cover on them 😉

  42. Nespresso machine’s on @Evie. And kettle’s on too. And I’ve brought a few logs to keep the fire going while we’re waiting for the oil man.

  43. Morning all. Tis bleedin arctic in here. Hurry up Mr. Oil Man before we’re frozen solid. Froggie, have you the coffee machine on? Who’s for toast?

  44. Thanks froggie.

    If Sugarandspice is around today…I find white noise brilliant for getting me asleep. It hasn’t failed yet, and I’m a shocking sleeper. I put ‘white noise rain’ into youtube and choose the one that lasts and hour, press play and I’m out like a light 10 mins later. It stops itself and turns off after the hour.

    Chloe, glad to hear things aren’t as bad with your Dad. I always think my Dad’s invincible, but I guess at nearly 65, he ain’t.

    Boo, is pregnancy yoga much different to normal yoga? Where do you go? My SIL is pregnant and it would be lovely for us to go together if non-preggers people can do the same class without the pregnant bits! Does that make sense?

  45. Yeah boo, I’m a bit fed up. I think I’ve found a mistake in a payment. I’m hoping I’m wrong (you have no idea how much I hope I’m wrong), because it would cause a lot of troubles if I’m right….

    @Chloe, I meant to say regarding ‘funny’ cases: you get a few when doing EU law because part of it is jurisprudence-based. I think there’s one on free movement of goods that concerned blow-up dolls. We had a good laugh imagining those serious judges considering the technical specifications of Danish dolls (if I remember well) and whether they were suitable for exportation throughout the EU!

    Buttons, don’t lose hope. You cannot reasonably lose a lot of inches on this sort of detox. 2,5 is already a lot. Good luck for the remaining days!

  46. There ya are froggie.you sound fed up.well.I’m def not shopping.ive plenty for next while.this is like my monday cos was only in for 2 hrs on Monday.roll on to Friday though.

  47. Morning froggie and the rest of you! HAPPY HUMPDAY! The week is pretty slow, but I guess that’s down to not having had a full week in so long.

    Day 7 of my 9 day detox today. Was a bit disappointed with my measurments last night. Had lost 2 inches in the first 2 days but only another half since then. I think I’m doing everything by the book, unless I’m being really thick. Anyway, still the last 3 days to chip away at the spare tyre, so hopefully it works. On the other hand, I feel good, my skin and hair are great.

    Hope everyone has a great day 🙂

  48. Good morning.I’m first.u ok froggie?
    Chloe and Icequeen hope your dads are doing ok.Chloe hope you’re feeling a bit better.I used to hate being sick in college and having no money to sort it.
    Well pregnancy yoga was lovely.was very chilled out after it.so chilled out i very nearly slept in.on my slightly later bus so hopefully i won’t be late.

  49. Morning!

    Wednesday…it’s almost Friday so it’s almost the weekend, right?

    Really didn’t want to go to work today but had no choice!

    It’s the start of the sales in France today. I didn’t feel like shopping but then yesterday I noticed that one of my lace boxer had a small hole in it (I guess it’s too fragile for day to day wear), so ‘had’ to replace it. I ended up buying a replacement and another ensemble. 10% extra on the reduction and free delivery today meant I spent 53€ overall so it’s a bargain!
    But otherwise, I think I’ll give the sales a miss this winter, just not in the mood, and since I’m trying to lose weight, I don’t want to feel down because the things in my usual size don’t fit me.

    Well, plenty of work waiting, but boss is away, so it’s not so bad. Have a great day!

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